Application: Sewer Flow Surveys
Solution: Non-Contact Radar Flowmeter
Sewer flow surveys
Leakage & Infiltration studies
Industrial effluent surveys
Meter verification
Surface water flows
Application Details
Channel Width: 100mm to 5m
Channel shape: Any shape! Circular, Rectangular, Egg

1.2m Sewer Pipe

1.5m Sewer Pipe
Data Retrieval
Data is automatically sent to a webpage where it can be viewed and downloaded.
Reports are generated automatically.
Email messages can be sent for alarm conditions e.g. high level

1.8m Sewer Pipe
Equipment Available
IFQ AC powered control unit with a built-in data logger to record flows.
RTQ Web-enabled logger
Non-Contact level sensors
Flowline can supply and install non-contact web-enabled flowmeters.
The meters are battery powered and are installed without shutdown.
No routine cleaning or maintenance of the system is required.
Sewer flows
Leakage and infiltration
Industrial effluent
Key Words
Non-contact, Radar
Sewage flows
Web data
Zero maintenance

Web-enabled Flowmeter

Typical Data Presentation